Contact Us at (704) 545-0355

IVAC. Let’s Do This the Smart Way!

Industrial Vacuum Services, Inc. (IVAC) gives you a smarter way to handle industrial and WWTP cleaning. We’ll help you save time and money on maintenance and clean-up projects, and keep you in compliance.

Our industry experts can answer all your questions..

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Our Approach

Start Sooner

You haven’t got time to wait, so we’ve got enough people and equipment on hand to make sure you don’t have to.

Work Smarter

By taking a “think-first” approach to everything we do, we find ways to reduce costs, speed completion, avoid pitfalls, and deliver results that others aren’t seeing.

Finish Stronger

The job’s not done until all of its done. We never leave a job unfinished.

Only IVAC brings this “start sooner, work smarter, finish stronger” approach to every project. That’s why local governments, industrial companies and large utilities in some of the most environmentally sensitive areas in the Southeast turn to us.

The IVAC Difference

Extraordinary Resources
With regional operations centers throughout Southeast, IVAC operates a fleet of more than 80 vacuum combo and unique high power air movers to tackle even the toughest jobs.
Technical Expertise
IVAC has more than 20 years of experience in service, support, and consultation to industrial manufacturers and WTP/WWTP facilities.
Proven Track Record
IVAC has more than 100 active municipal and industrial cleaning contracts and is one of the most successful cleaning services companies in the U.S.
Commitment to Safety
IVAC is committed to the safety and well-being of clients, employees and the general public. As such, we have a dedicated Safety Director who oversees all of our service center and field operations. IVAC employees are regularly trained and certified in areas including OSHA, MSHA and DOT compliance. IVAC partners closely with our clients to ensure compliance with appropriate safety standards applicable to any project.
Emergency Response

IVAC provides active emergency response support contracts for municipalities and industrial facilities throughout the Southeast. Because of the scale and resources of our fleet, we are able to provide effective response times with the proper equipment and personnel.

Emergency Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please contact us at (704) 545-0355